Put simply, Hearst Connect exists to meet the internet and telephone needs of residents and businesses in the Hearst area.
Unlike other larger telecom providers, Hearst Connect is ultra-local. Just like you, our team lives and works here in Hearst. So we understand your needs on a personal level. And we know first-hand the challenges and frustrations of living in Northern Ontario and not having consistent access to reliable internet and phone service.
The good news is that Hearst Connect is changing the face of telecom—right here in Hearst.
How? We do it by using the most sophisticated fibre technology available to ensure you always have access to the best internet and phone connections out there.
Owned by the Town of Hearst and incorporated in 2017, Hearst Connect were created based on an idea from Hearst Power Distribution Corporation. Our board of directors reports directly to the Hearst town council.